Can you think of a time when a friend or brother or sister has been angry or grumpy with you? How does it make you feel when someone is angry with you? When someone is angry or unkind with you is it easy to be gentle back? I don’t think it is; it is hard to remember that people are precious when they are angry, and when they’re angry it can make us angry too! We have to be very strong to be gentle back to them but it can really change things and help them not to be so angry or grumpy. Here’s a scenario for you to act out:
Jaidyn: Would you like to play on your scooter with me?
Reilly: No I wouldn’t, that’s a rubbish idea.
Jaidyn: It’s not a rubbish idea!! I’m not going to be friends with you anymore! I’m going to find someone else to play with.
Now act out the scene again with a difference:
Jaidyn: Would you like to play on your scooter with me?
Reilly: No, I wouldn’t, that’s a rubbish idea.
Jaidyn: Okay, no problem, is there something you’d rather do?
Reilly: Actually, maybe we will play on our scooters but I’d like to play with the Lego afterwards.
What was more gentle about Jaidyn’s response this time? What effect did it have on Reilly?
Sometimes the person might not change their mind and will still want you to do their thing instead. Does being gentle mean that you should always do what the angry or grumpy person wants to do? We can be gentle but not a pushover; being gentle doesn’t mean we are weak. Have a chat about that as a family and make up some more situations to act out.