10th May 2020
The Fruit of the Spirit is … Joy…
We want your children to know that they can find joy in God, no matter what the circumstances.
Here are some colouring pages to get you started:
10th May 2020
We want your children to know that they can find joy in God, no matter what the circumstances.
Here are some colouring pages to get you started:
This week’s bible story of joy in a time of suffering tells the experience of Paul and Silas in prison (Acts 16):
Doing an activity together is a great opportunity to talk - maybe you could use one of these joy-themed crafts to connect during the week and talk about how you see one another growing in joy.
A kite is a lovely picture of God’s joy in us: a kite flies because it is held in place by the string AND filled with the wind. We are held safe in the shadow of God’s wings, whilst also being filled with his spirit of joy.
If you don’t own a kite, try this really easy kite craft for preschoolers or go a bit more adventurous.
A simple reminder to rejoice always - make a pinwheel to put in the garden or just to look pretty inside.
Here are some instructions, just add words as you wish; joy, rejoice, give thanks, smile, etc.
Again and again in the Psalms we are encouraged to sing to God. Have a go at making a song of thanks together - it doesn’t need to be fancy or tuneful; just heartfelt.
(Click here for a printable version of the story, questions and activity.)
Read more about Paul in this story, and then follow up with some discussion questions and an activity.
Paul was a missionary who told people about Jesus and started churches of new believers. Paul loved seeing people become Christians, but not everyone believed his message and Paul was often punished….
Can you remember any of the difficult things that happened to Paul?
Which of the hardships that Paul faced do you think was the most discouraging for him?
Why do you think Paul carried on doing God's work even though he kept suffering for it?
Have you found it difficult to do what God asks you to?
Knowing God gave Paul joy, and other people also caused him to be joyful.
How did Titus make Paul happy?
How did the jailer make Paul happy?
Print and colour in this picture, or draw your own happy stick people.
How do you usually feel when you are singing to God?
Where do you usually sing to God?
Now use a hole punch to make a line of holes across the top and the bottom of the picture (if you sellotape across the top and bottom of the picture first it will make the holes stronger), and then thread string through the holes to make vertical bars. (No black string? Borrow someone’s shoelaces!)
When Paul and Silas were in prison they carried on worshipping God by singing.
How does it make you feel seeing your singing people behind bars?
This week’s memory verse is “The joy of the Lord is your strength”
What did it mean for Paul?
What does it mean for you?
When the Holy Spirit is in us we don’t always respond to events in the way people might expect us to.
What do you think will happen to raisins (or apple pips) when you put them in a glass of water - will they float or sink? Try it and find out.
Now put a few raisins in a glass of lemonade (or anything clear and fizzy).
SPOILER ALERT: The raisins will ‘bounce’ up and down in the lemonade. The tiny bubbles attach themselves to the raisins and lift them to the surface. This is like someone with God’s Spirit inside them - people may be confused why we are full of joy in difficult situations when others sink, but we know the truth - it’s evidence of the Spirit at work in us.
You could write out this verse and use it to pray for your family this week:
Music can have a significant influence over our thoughts and feelings. Think about what music you could listen to this week to set a joyful mood in your house whilst getting some uplifting lyrics into your heads and hearts!