In-Person Gatherings

Our Roadmap

Here is our current plan for returning to physical, in-person gatherings on a Sunday.

With all of our plans, please remember that certain details could change as we continually review how to do this return in the most safe and fruitful way possible.

Phase 1: 13 June to end of July

In-person Sunday evening service, 18:30 - 19:30

  • These evenings will be ticketed with limited capacity

  • Social distancing and masks in place

  • We’ll be keeping the live-stream from the church offices in the mornings

  • Online City Kids and Youth will continue

We hope that everyone will be able to come along to one of these evening services. We’re very excited for the charismatic gifts to be used and expressed at these meetings, so please come expectant and ready to contribute.

 Phase 2: August

In-person Sunday morning meeting

  • These will be family services, with all ages in the room together

  • The evening meeting stops when this starts

  • We are hoping to live stream these services

Phase 3 | September

In-person Sunday morning meeting

  • Creche, City Kids and City Youth back on


We are approaching our plans to in-person gatherings by trying to be as wise and honouring as we can. Some of us are super keen to return, whereas others are feeling more cautious. Wherever you are on the scale, we hope that we can see you soon at one of our in-person services.