Encouragement and the Disciple


God the Waymaker  

Encouragement is an action that gives the one who receives it support, courage, hope.

God our loving Heavenly Father has given us the ultimate encouragement in sending His Son Jesus to be our Saviour who was fully God and fully Man. He chose to experience all our weaknesses and frailties. We have a Saviour who knows how much we need encouragement to ‘run the race well’ (2 Timothy 4:7) and that we need help to become encouragers of others. We were never made to go it alone.

When Jesus had risen from the dead and was going back to be with the Father, he didn’t abandon His disciples. His heavenly provision then was to send the Holy Spirit to comfort, prompt and encourage us. At all times we have direct access to the Father through His Spirit and when we don’t have words or know what to say, the Holy Spirit will intercede for us. (Romans 8:26) 

Encouraged to grow as disciples of Jesus 

The Holy Spirit, our driven–by–love persistent prompter and encourager, reminds us to keep placing the Lord at the centre of our lives, spending time with Him and soaking up His Word. 

In the Bible, Paul who was a father figure and encourager to the many churches he'd planted, encourages us to put on the full armour of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6: 10-18). He also says in Galatians 5:22 to be filled with the Spirit so that the fruit of the Spirit is produced in us and flows out to others. 

Both these passages are well worth spending time on to really take in the provision of God for us; they are so encouraging and strengthening.

Finding Encouragement in God’s Word

The Bible, God’s excellent toolkit, is full of help and encouragements. It gives us example after example of very ordinary people, extraordinarily touched by God whose lives were totally transformed as a result. We have so much to learn from them.  

If it seems somewhat daunting, why not ask others to come alongside in reading and exploring God’s Word so it becomes something shared and mutually uplifting.  

If you want to encourage yourself to worship and delight in our amazing God, read the PSALMS. Maybe do a Bible study on the life of one of the heroes of faith, such as David, Abigail, Elijah, Deborah…there are many! Or take a theme such as Encouragement and soak up the truth of the verses you read. 

Some more ways to encourage ourselves in God

  • Listen to sermons and talks to inspire, encourage and teach you.

  • Find out / read about brothers and sisters in Christ who are living / have lived faith- filled lives here and across the world.

  • Find out more about the work of God ‘out there’ in your area (and in our church family) in healing, salvation, lives turned around.

  • Ask someone to disciple and encourage you on your Christian journey.

  • Write down God’s answers to prayer for you and others you’ve heard about- this will be a great encouragement to look back on when you feel low or God seems far away.

  • Speak words of truth to yourself about who you are in Christ (another whole topic!)


What about us as the encouragers?

Encouraging others is given great value in the Bible; Paul lists it as one of the gifts of the Spirit given to build up the church (Romans 12:8). 

Jesus’s example to His disciples was that, in following Him, their attitude was to be one of serving others. Paul also challenged and stirred believers by modelling a life of prayer-centred action with selfless service. 

Let’s be in ‘active waiting’ for practical opportunities to bless other Christians – which could look like different things e.g. giving our time, resources, financial help, hospitality, offering to pray for and disciple others… and more.

In I Thessalonians 5: 11 Paul tells us to encourage one another and build each other up. As we develop a prayer life that includes praying for people God lays on our hearts, He may prompt us to share encouraging verses, words, songs with them to support, bless and encourage them.  

The thought of that can feel overwhelming but we shouldn’t underestimate what a blessing a word of encouragement can be to a fellow Christian. It’s not dependant on how we feel at the time, nor even if we’re in a good place in our own circumstances.  

By His grace, we see that it’s about knowing how much God wants to use each of us to be a channel for Him to flow through. And, as with any other outworking of God’s grace in us, we can grow in this. 

Be encouraged to step out and see what God will do through you. And the world will notice and be attracted to the light that shines from within you, the light of Jesus’ love. Even better!

And finally 2 Thessalonians 2: 16 & 17 is Paul’s blessing over us:  

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”


Resources to help and encourage: