Two are better than one


Ecclesiastes 4v9-10

Some of you may know that as a family we celebrated my son’s wedding this summer and as you can imagine the day almost reached the top of my list of best days ever. It was wonderful to see two become one and to know the journey the newly-weds had been on to reach this day.

This verse is often quoted at weddings, but I came across it in another context that I wanted to share with you. My Mum over the years has sometimes bought me a devotional book, always with beautiful photographs and encouraging verses and readings. The latest one she gave me was entitled ‘Earth Psalms’ a book of reflections on how God speaks through nature. It is no surprise that my Mum, a keen gardener, chose this book to pass on to me. Again, the book is full of beautiful photos, verses and even an encouragement to apply the verses.

One that has stuck in my mind is Ecclesiastes 4 v9-10. Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!

The description that came with this verse was of redwood trees that grow in northern California. They can grow hundreds of feet high and sometimes 10 people holding hands around the trunk cannot make their arms surround it, unfortunately they have a shallow root structure and if the trees stood alone on a hillside then a strong wind would blow them over. However, the redwood trees grow close together and their roots are interwoven, not just with the trees next to them but they stretch up to 100 feet away from the base of the tree. This gives the trees the strength they need to stand firm in the storms that batter them.

You can see where I am going with this can’t you, yes! We need each other! As a body of believers we need each other to support one another in the trials and storms of life. We are not meant to function alone, walk through life alone, grow spiritually alone or even survive practically alone. The model of the early church was Acts 2 v44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. In an ever growing church this is increasingly a challenge for us, for the leaders to oversee the flock and for the flock to remain in the care of it’s leaders. As a church we have plenty of opportunities for community to happen and hope that you are experiencing some of that community in some way or other. You may have other ideas of how we can support each other or include others in our church family which would be great to hear about. I believe too that there is an encouragement to entwine ourselves with other believers, not standing alone, but helping each other to stand firm in our faith.

V10 of Ecclesiastes warns us that there is trouble for those that fall alone, but help for those who stand together. Can I encourage you to entwine your roots with brothers and sisters? If you are feeling alone then I’d encourage you to be brave and reach out to at least one other person to begin the journey of sharing life together. For others there’s an encouragement to reach out and help the ones that have fallen.

This chapter goes on to say in v12 a threefold cord is not quickly broken. So not only do we need each other but we need God to be entwined in our lives too.

Thank you Father that when we are rooted in you, we can be connected with others who love you. Help me not to stand alone but to reach out to my family around me.

Jacqui Hopkins