Expression 1: Committed to Worship


Expression 1: Committed to Worship

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment”
- Matthew 22:36-38

At the very heart of being a Christian is to love God – and it’s from this love that worship comes out.

Worship is about giving worth to God through our words and the way we live. Here are 4 main ways in which we believe worship will outwork itself in our lives:

1. Deepening Devotional Life

To be able to walk with God is a privilege of every believer. On a daily basis, we can enjoy the word of God, increase our hunger for God, grow in our dependance upon God, and know God more.

2. Generous Giving

Jesus says that where you put your money, there your heart is. To worship God with our hearts will impact how we use our money - and one key expression of that is giving money joyfully and generously into the work of the church.

3. High View of Sunday Gathering

Sunday mornings are a key place for us to grow in love for God together. We want to see the Sunday morning a priority for church members - something that they want to be at and believe in. The mystery of God’s presence on Sundays makes a difference, members have something to contribute that strengthens and encourages the body, and absence on Sundays is felt by the people of God.

We want church members to come not to enjoy a show, but expecting encounter with Christ and to help others encounter Him too.

4. Growing passion for Prayer

Our prayer life is linked to our worship of God. We are to be people that grow in our commitment and passion for prayer - praying for ourselves, for one another, thanksgiving, adoration, confession - all of these are important expressions of prayer. And not just personal prayer, but to also be those that are eager to meet together to pray corporately.

Ryan Hunt