Expression 3: Committed to Service


Expression 3: Committed to Service

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” - 1 Peter 4:10 

The great commandment is to love God and secondly, to love others. And one way in which we love others is by using the gifts we’ve been given to serve. We see this expressed in two main ways:

1. Personal

On a daily basis, we would be proactively looking for opportunities to serve our neighbours, friends, family, colleagues and strangers, as well as those in the church.

Perhaps there are gifts and passions that God has given you - we want to see church members empowered to serve in those ways, whether that is within the church context or in other ways.

2. Corporate

We believe serving not only involves the organic daily opportunities, but also serving the church of God. One of the main ways this is done is through Sundays. In the New Testament, Paul uses an image of a body, where each church member is a different body part. Each part, although different, is vital. Your gifts are needed, and there are so many serving teams you can get involved in serving.

There are also ministries that run beyond the Sunday morning, Small Groups and projects to serve the local community God has put around us.

Take a look at our website to find opportunities to join a serving team:

Ryan Hunt